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Tawfiq (12-16 yrs) Issue 3

Welcome to the world of Tawfiq - the unique magazine for Muslims
With Islamic essentials and examples from the Prophet (peace be upon him), this magazine is perfect for teenagers who want to learn more about what it means to be a Muslim.
In this third issue, we dive into the lives and worlds of incredible people.
- Discover what makes Sayidah Khadijah such an amazing role model
- Read about the life of Imam Ghazali, the inspiring thinker and teacher
- Learn more about Marcus Aurelius, the influential Roman emporer
- Try your hand at thareed, the tasty broth invented by the great-grandfather of the Prophet (peace be upon him)
- Explore Allah's beautiful names
- Uncover the mysterious body language of horses
- Learn the neglected science of logical thinking
- Equip yourself with the skills to survive in the wild
- And discover your dream holiday destination
With news, puzzles and creativity, there's something for everyone in Tawfiq!

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