Sheikh Ahmed al Alawi

1869 - 1934, Algeria


Sheikh Ahmed al Alawi was born in Mostaganem, in the northwest of Algeria, in 1869. He had two sisters and no brothers. Sheikh Ahmed al Alawi was taught at home by his father and describes that he never went to school, 'not even for a single day'. His father taught him the Quran at a young age but, because he had to work at different jobs to help his family, Sheikh Ahmed didn't memorise the entire Quran.

As an adult, he remembered his father fondly, recalling that his father never blamed him for anything and never hit him. This was the way of the Prophet (peace be upon him), too. He never hit his children and never blamed them.

A Blessed Cobbler

Sheikh Ahmed worked at several professions but became good at cobbling (repairing shoes). His father died when he was just sixteen years old and so, at such a young age, he had the responsibility of caring for his mother and sisters.

Taming the Ego

Sheikh Ahmed al Alawi learned under different teachers and Sheikhs and at one point was able to charm snakes. However, his teacher told him not to do that anymore but instead to focus on taming his ego and desires. His teacher told him that the ego is more deadly than a snake and very hard to tame. This is a very true statement, as the ego is what encourages us to be lazy, selfish and greedy, and it can sometimes feel very difficult to fight it and do the right thing.

Sheikh Ahmed strongly emphasised remembrance of God and encouraged people to do lots of thikr. He also encouraged inter-religious dialogue, finding the links and similarities between Christianity and Islam and speaking to lots of Christians about faith and belief. He was described as being very charismatic, meaning he had a very charming and warm personality and many people enjoyed being with him. He was also very engaged in the issues and problems facing Muslims at the time, such as the problem of people drinking alcohol in Algeria, and he wrote and taught about the principles of Islam and the importance of following Allah's religion. At one time, it is said he had one hundred thousand students or disciples.

A Traveller

Sheikh Ahmed al Alawi travelled much and could speak French. He even led the first communal prayer in the Grand Mosque of Paris, in the presence of the French president.

Sheikh Ahmed al Alawi founded the Alawiyyah Tariqah, named after Imam Ali, whom he saw in a dream giving him the name of this tariqah.

Martin Lings wrote a biography of Sheikh Ahmed al Alawi in 1971, entitled 'A Sufi Saint of the Twentieth Century'.

May Allah surround him with mercy, blessings and peace.

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