Imam al Haddad
1634 - 1720, Yemen
Imam al Haddad was born in Tarim, Yemen, to a family of scholars. He is a direct descendant of the Prophet (peace be upon him).
Tarim is an incredible place, where people spend their lives dedicated to worshipping Allah and learning about Islam. Imam al Haddad's father was an immense scholar and he ensured Imam al Haddad received an immense education, too.
An Incredible Childhood
When he was just four years old, Imam al Haddad became blind. However, that didn’t stop him from memorising the Quran and learning about Islam. Under the care and attention of his father, Imam al Haddad memorised the entire Quran at a young age.
As a child, he would prefer to worship Allah rather than play with his friends. His grandmother used to worry that he wasn't playing with his friends enough, as he loved to worship, pray and recite the Quran so much. So when he'd hear his grandmother coming to check on him, he'd run quickly to play with his friends. And as soon as he heard her leave, he'd go back to his worship. This was how caring he was - he really cared about his grandmother's feelings and didn't want to upset her, even if it meant leaving what he loved to do.
The young Imam al Haddad had a best friend who would read religious books to him and that's how they would revise and study together. They would also sneak into the mosque after it had closed to pray extra prayers. Imam al Haddad would spend the whole day studying and worshipping Allah - from before Fajr until after Isha - and he would pray 200 rakahs in one go. Just imagine that! That's one hundred lots of two rakah prayers. How long would that take you to pray?
"Salamun Qawlan Min Rabbin Raheem"
Imam al Haddad had a special love for Surah Yasin, which he read constantly, and when he'd come to the ayah which says 'Peace, a word from a merciful Lord', he'd repeat it. This is the ayah that describes what Allah says to the people in Paradise. May we all be among them inshaAllah.
Blessings in Our Food
As an adult, Imam al Haddad established a mawlid in the month of Rajab and would invite all people to attend, old and young, rich and poor, teacher and student. He'd provide all the food too, saying 'If they don't benefit from our speech, then we will place blessings in our food.'
The Book of Assistance
Imam al Haddad wrote one of his greatest works, The Book of Assistance, at the tender age of twenty-six. It is a book that is studied across the world to this day and is considered to be a summary of Imam Ghazali's 'Revival of the Religious Sciences'. Imam al Haddad also wrote many other incredible books, such as 'The Lives of Man' and 'Good Manners'. Each book is a treasure chest of wisdom and goodness.
Imam al Haddad also wrote incredible poetry, some of which is inscribed on the walls of the grave of the Prophet (peace be upon him). These lines say:
"An awesome prophet, whose character
The All-Compassionate has venerated in the Master of all books"
This verse means that the Prophet (peace be upon him) is awesome, and Allah has praised his character in the Quran.
Many secrets are contained within the poems of Imam al Haddad, and they're often sung and recited in all corners of the earth. It's definitely worth reading him poems and thinking about their meanings. Truly, they contain immense secrets and gems for those that want to discover.
May Allah surround him with mercy, blessings and peace.